Public Adjusters
Company Insurance Adjusters

When it comes to handling insurance claims, two types of adjusters come to mind: public adjusters and company insurance adjusters. Both adjusters serve different purposes and have different roles to play in the claims process.
Public adjusters are often hired when policyholders feel that their insurance company is not offering them a fair settlement or has denied their claim. On the other hand, company insurance adjusters are usually assigned to claims by the insurance company and may have quotas to meet for minimizing payouts. It’s important to carefully consider your options and choose the adjuster that will best represent your interests and help you get the compensation you deserve.
Public Adjusters
Public adjusters are independent professionals who work for the policyholder, not the insurance company. They are licensed professionals who specialize in assessing damage, estimating repair costs, and negotiating with the insurance company on behalf of the policyholder. Public adjusters help policyholders file claims, maximize their payout, and ensure that they receive a fair settlement from their insurance company.
Company Insurance Adjusters
Company insurance adjusters are employees of the insurance company. They are responsible for evaluating the damage, estimating repair costs, and negotiating with the policyholder on behalf of the insurance company. Their goal is to minimize the payout to the policyholder while protecting the financial interests of the insurance company.
Key Differences
The key difference between public adjusters and company insurance adjusters is their allegiance. Public adjusters work for the policyholder, while company insurance adjusters work for the insurance company. Public adjusters have the policyholder’s best interests in mind and are committed to maximizing their payout. On the other hand, company insurance adjusters are focused on minimizing the payout to protect the insurance company’s financial interests.
Which Adjuster Should You Use?
The choice between a public adjuster and a company insurance adjuster ultimately depends on your needs. If you want to ensure that you receive a fair settlement from your insurance company, a public adjuster may be the best option. However, if you feel comfortable negotiating with your insurance company or trust that the company’s adjuster will act in good faith, you may not need a public adjuster.
In conclusion, public adjusters and company insurance adjusters serve different purposes in the claims process. It’s important to understand the differences between them and choose the adjuster that best fits your needs.