5 Reasons to Hire a Public Insurance Adjuster. FL, GA, SC, VI.


Public Adjusters are paid on a contingency basis which means you don’t pay them until you receive your insurance claim settlement. In most cases the fee charged is reasonable and the insurance settlement is higher – thus paying for the expense.

Public Insurance Adjusters represent ONLY YOU, not the insurance company. It is a very important distinction.

If you have ever had to file an insurance claim before you know it is a formal request by a policyholder to the insurance company regarding a loss or event that is covered by your insurance policy.

The process may seem simple enough…

1. You file an insurance claim

2. The insurance company ensures that the claim is valid and covered by your policy,

3. The insurance company issues a payment to the insured.

Sounds easy right? That is not always the case.

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Consider Hiring an Insurance Claims Public Adjuster

Many homeowners and business owners hold insurance policies that protect their home or business. Every insurance policy is different and determined by the insurance company.

As such, it can be challenging to deal with your insurance company when you have an insurance claim. It can depend on the type of insurance claim, the size of the insured loss, and the experience level of the insurance adjuster representing the insurance company.

A Public Insurance Adjuster (Public Adjuster) is always a good idea. Here are five reasons why:

Reason Number 1.

Insurance company representatives are there to represent the insurance company, Not you.

The vast majority of Insurance companies are in business to make a profit. Their goal is to pay the least amount possible to settle an insurance claim. In many cases, the insurance adjuster sent by the insurance company is financially rewarded (can earn a bonus) to keep insurance settlement claims at a financial minimum. This is not in favor of the insurance policyholder.

Reason Number 2.

A Public Insurance adjuster is licensed and bonded by the state to represent only you, the policyholder, NOT the insurance companies. Reason number 1 listed above is the primary reason there is a profession that protects the consumer, in this case, the policyholder.

Odds are you have not read your entire insurance policy. Often, you will receive a few pages highlighting your coverage. It is also known as an insurance declaration page. The actual insurance policy is usually quite a bit longer and contains all of the fine print.

Public adjusters are professionals that are trained and required to take continuing education courses in order to provide the best service possible to the policyholder. They help to eliminate stress, anxiety, and worry. If you hire the right Public Insurance Adjuster, their experience and expertise will help to ensure that you receive the insurance settlement you are entitled to per your insurance policy.

As with any profession, some public insurance adjusters are better than others. Be sure to ask for references and resist any high-pressure sales pitch. An insurance loss is already stressful – the right Public Adjuster will understand that and should not pressure you. Take your time in making the right choice. You can find out more about public adjusters by clicking here

Reason Number 3. 

The is no initial cost or obligation.

In the majority of the United States, you can hire a public adjuster on a percentage basis. Most work on a contingency fee. If there is no settlement, there is no fee. A public adjuster or a public adjusting firm has public adjusters that are well versed in filing an insurance claim, documenting your loss, and negotiating the claim on your behalf.

Public adjusters in Florida and many other states are licensed and bonded to help you, the policyholder, NOT the insurance company.

While many people feel they can navigate the insurance claims process on their own it is advisable to at least consult with a public adjuster. The process may seem simple enough, however, what may seem like a small insurance claim, can in fact become a long, tedious process. Hiring the right public adjuster helps to ensure that you are fairly represented in the insurance claims process.

Reason Number 4. 

Public Adjusters can help you even if you have already filed an insurance claim.

Public adjusters in Florida and elsewhere can help at any stage of the insurance claims process. They will do a full review of what has occurred to date and then become your representative. This can be helpful especially if the process has stalled or taken longer than you expected.

Reason Number 5. 

Public Insurance Adjusters can help even AFTER you receive an insurance settlement.

Sometimes, a policyholder may feel they did not receive the right compensation to restore their loss. In many cases, a public adjuster can assist in filing a supplemental claim in order to secure additional funds that ensure that you are properly compensated for your insured loss and that your property is returned to the state it was in before your loss.

Public Adjusters

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The author of this article is licensed to help homeowners and business owners as a Public Insurance Adjuster in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi. Virginia, Louisiana, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. For more on Insurance, insurance claims help, or to speak to him directly call 1-(800) 446-4496 or email him directly at [email protected]

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